How to take part

There are 5 easy steps for entering THE 54 or THE 24.

1. Recruit a Team

You'll need a group of friends, family or colleagues to take part with you. You'll also need a team name (it's harder than you think!) and think about your support crew.

  • THE 54 = 4+ team members, 2 support crew members
  • THE 24 = 2+ team members, 1 - 2 support crew member(s)

2. Reserve Your Team Place

Your Team Leader will need to complete some basic details about your team (including the team name that you still haven’t decided can change this later) and we'll also ask for your entry fee(s).

You can choose to pay individually or as a team. 

3. Nominating Team Members

Once the Team Leader has created the team they can then nominate the other team members to join using our automated email system. All you need is a person’s name and email address so that we can invite them to register as part of your team.

Each person will be asked for some contact information and an entry fee (depending on how you have decided to pay.)

4. Team Confirmation

Once you filled in the various blank boxes and paid your entry fees (and finalised your team name) we will confirm your team onto the Caledonian Challenge. We'll send each member of the team useful information explaining 'What Happens Next' and a link to your fundraising page.

5. Training and Fundraising

When your team is confirmed you'll have access to all our online training guides and fundraising resources. Though it may seem a long way off the sooner you start both of these, the less they will hurt!

If you have any questions please just get in touch - otherwise you can SIGN UP HERE

We look forward to seeing you in June, if not before.

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