Help using this website
Resizing the text
To increase the text size:
- Internet Explorer: View > Text size
- Firefox: View > Text size
- Opera: File > Preferences > Fonts > Minimum font size (pixels)
Alternatively, scroll with the wheel of your mouse whilst holding down the control key.
Have this site read aloud to you
Thisnsite is Browsealoud-enabled. Browsealoud reads web pages aloud fornpeople who find it difficult to read online. Reading large amounts ofntext on screen can be difficult for those with literacy and visualnimpairments.
Browsealoud is free and easy to download. Once installed you will be able to have hundreds of websites read aloud to you.
Standards compliance
This website aims to conform to:
- W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines priority 1, guidelines
- XHTML 1.0
- CSS 2.0
If you do come across any coding errors of any kind please contact us.
For those using screen readers, you have the option to skip to the navigation
The pages on this website are all print-friendly - Just the text content will appear on any printouts you make.
Allnpages are designed using CSS - no tables whatsoever have been used innthe design of this website. However tables have been used to formatntabular data in some parts of the site.
Structure andnpresentation have been completely separated - the HTML documentsncontain just the text that you see on the screen and some structuralntags.
The text is assigned a relative font size - this means that you can resize the text if you want to (see “Resizing the text”).
Allninformational images have been assigned descriptive ALT text andndecorative images are either relegated to the CSS document or have annull ALT attribute.
We aim to make this website accessible to everyone. If you experience any kind of problem or have any feedback about it please contact us.
Browser compatibility
This website has been tested and proven to offer full functionality on Windows, Macintosh and Linux with:
- Internet Explorer 6.0 & 7.0
- Firefox 2 & 3
- Opera 8.0 & 9.24
- Safari 2.0 & 3.0.3
- Konqueror 3.0.5
- PDAs
Screen sizes ranging from 1024px - 1600px & above in width
Thisnwebsite relies on CSS2, which is unsupported by IE 5 and below andnNetscape 4.7 and below. It can still be accessed on these browsers butnwith no styling applied to the pages. The decision to use CSS2 wasntaken due to the very small number of Internet users browsing withnthese older versions (now less than 1%). We apologise for anyninconvenience this may cause.
This website currently has no CSS support for IE 5.5 & Below for the Apple Macintosh.