Events Team

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the most successful events company dedicated to strengthening communities in Scotland.


Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire people and organisations to support the work of the Scottish Community Foundation through rewarding and sustainable fundraising events.


John Mercer, Events Director

John joined the Events team in November 2007 and is responsible for the safe and successful delivery of the Foundation’s portfolio of fundraising events. John has 17 years international charity fundraising experience. He specialises in managing large-scale outdoor challenge events for companies and individuals having successfully delivered several in the UK and overseas. He has previously worked for Oxfam (in the UK, New Zealand and Ireland) and Age Concern England. John is a keen outdoor enthusiast, having led or participated in teams on expedition in Antarctica, Patagonia, Peru, the Kalahari, Kilimanjaro, Alaska, and the Alps.

Alison Denny, Events Operations Executive

Ali took up the post as Operations Executive in April 2008, and is responsible for delivering the operational and logistical aspects of the events. After graduating from Dundee University, Ali spent five years in the corporate sector before moving into the travel industry. As an expedition leader for an adventure travel company, Ali worked throughout Asia and Africa, managing trips for a broad variety of individuals. A move to South America was the result of taking up the position of country director for Raleigh International. She spent three years in Chilean Patagonia running youth development expeditions operating in isolated and mountainous areas. As with the other members of the team, Ali enjoys the outdoors, particularly trekking, running and windsurfing (but is reconsidering this sport due to the unsociable water temperatures around Edinburgh).

Craig Little, Events Fundraising Executive

Craig joined the Scottish Community Foundation in June 2008 as the Fundraising Executive for the Events Team working on the Caledonian Challenge. Originally from Inverness, Craig was educated in Edinburgh where he gained a BA in Events Management at Queen Margaret University, before going on to Edinburgh University to complete a BSC in Sport and Recreation Management. He previously has events experience working on the Corrieyairack Challenge, Cycle Cairngorms Sportive and the Aviemore Half Marathon. His main interest is Rugby. He has been playing for 24 years at various levels. He has recently started competing in Novice triathlons and is a keen runner and cyclist.

Stuart Moffatt, Events Marketing Executive

Stuart joined the Events Team in January 2007 and is responsible for management of corporate sponsors, brand management, and marketing and promotion of the Caledonian Challenge. After graduating from Strathclyde Business School with a BA (Hons) in Marketing, Stuart worked in a marketing capacity with a variety of companies. He returned to higher education in 2005 to undertake an MSc in Sports Studies after realising his ambition to work in the sports and leisure industry. Outside of work, Stuart enjoys football, football and more football! He also enjoys a variety of other sports and even managed a Scottish Schools Cup medal in his heyday as a rugby player. His other interests include mountain biking, music,TV, films and the odd social outing!