Below you will find the latest news about The RBS Caledonian Challenge. To see our press releases please click here.
For further information on our latest news please contact the Events Team on:
Tel: 0131 524 0350
Fax: 0131 524 0329
Email: [email protected]
For further information about press and media coverage, please contact Laurie Piper or Paddy Cuthbert
Tel: 0131 556 6836
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Find out more with our 'Walk of Your Life' Presentations!
Find out more about the RBS Caledonian Challenge with our Winter Presentations
more... 12/12/08 04:05

Sign up now and save £50 on the Entry Fee!
Sign up for the RBS Caledonian Challenge now and save £50 off the Entry Fee!
more... 05/11/08 11:38

Request Brochures, Posters and CDs
Request Brochures, Posters and CDs
more... 03/12/08 10:17

August 2008 Fundraising Update
Congratulations to all
more... 08/08/08 09:33

Track your friends, family and colleagues during the event
Track your friends, family and colleagues during the event
more... 13/06/08 01:26
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