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The Caledonian Challenge

Past Events

Past Events

Browse through the results of last years event. Click on the headings to sort the records.

Name Company Team Time
Farquhar Dougie Scottish Transport Regiment A 19:13:01
Reed James The Clandestines 19:13:02
Bond Matthew Scottish Courage Brewing SCL Miller Genuine Draft 19:14:01
Hedley Phil Scottish Courage Brewing SCL Miller Genuine Draft 19:14:01
Duthie Andrew State Street Fort William And Lost 19:14:02
Sherman Jon State Street Fort William And Lost 19:14:03
Smith Ralph State Street The FX Flyers 19:18:03
Moody Joseph State Street Extended Duration 19:18:04
Biffen Richard Strutt & Parker The Masochists 19:21:05
Galt Robbie Scottish Transport Regiment A 19:24:05
Scott David Scottish Transport Regiment A 19:24:05
Chisholm Colin State Street The State Street Snowmen 19:28:04
Snow David State Street The State Street Snowmen 19:28:04
Mackay Donald State Street The State Street Snowmen 19:28:04
Waterman Judy State Street The State Street Snowmen 19:28:04
Miller Andrew Brothers In Law 19:32:00
Stirling Graeme Scottish Courage Brewing McEwans Is The Best 19:33:04
Macleod Gordon Scottish Courage Brewing McEwans Is The Best 19:35:05
Muspratt Paul Ernst & Young The Junior Shredders 19:36:00
Anley Marc Ernst & Young The Junior Shredders 19:36:00
Munn Kenneth Strutt & Parker The Masochists 19:38:01
Leydecker Mark Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs 19:38:02
Myles Grant Scottish Courage Brewing Kronenburg 19:38:04
Loft Peter Scottish Courage Brewing Kronenburg 19:38:04
Smart Ernest Ernst & Young Not The Shredders 19:40:04
Wright David Royal Bank Of Scotland Three Men And A Wrighty 19:44:03
Coker Graham Royal Bank Of Scotland Three Men And A Wrighty 19:44:04
Black Ben Strugglers 19:44:05
Henderson Sheen The Chicks 19:45:01
Cartwright Steve JVA Grimley The Grimley Reapers 19:47:04
Lloyd David The Flasks 19:47:04
Jones Chris Old Mutual Oily Rags 19:48:00
Goodhew Paul Old Mutual Oily Rags 19:48:00
Snell Paul Old Mutual Oily Rags 19:48:00
Jacobs Steve Old Mutual Oily Rags 19:48:00
Kelly Liam South Equals Down 19:49:00
Kenna Max Max's Mountaineers 19:49:01
Walters Bullet Max's Mountaineers 19:49:01
Dawe Luke Max's Mountaineers 19:49:02
Mccarthy Jack Max's Mountaineers 19:49:02
Smith Alistair Dundas & Wilson CS Twigs Team 19:50:00
Mccutcheon Finlay Dundas & Wilson CS Twigs Team 19:50:01
Wilson Alistair Dundas & Wilson CS Twigs Team 19:50:01
Mckerrell Fiona Dundas & Wilson CS Twigs Team 19:50:01
Arpas Alexander State Street State Street London Legends 19:50:01
Miller Kenneth State Street State Street London Legends 19:50:01
Osyf Mark State Street State Street London Legends 19:50:01
Bickle Colin Royal Bank Of Scotland LFG 5 19:50:05
Gordon Stephen Royal Bank Of Scotland LFG 5 19:50:05
Blanc Paul Royal Bank Of Scotland Ardlui Or Bust 2 19:56:01
Saller Roger State Street SSGM Operations & Tech 19:56:03
Lloyd Gareth Figawe 19:56:03
Penter Graham State Street SSGM Operations & Tech 19:56:03
Cowden Janet The Chicks 19:57:00
Gillard Helen The Chicks 19:58:01
Ledingham Paddy Roxburgh& Co The Rox Climbers 19:58:03
Colliston Stephen South Equals Down 20:03:04
Mcgrath Ian South Equals Down 20:03:04
Gedir Jarrett Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs 20:04:00
Murphy Stephan Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs 20:04:00
Carroll Mark Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs 20:04:00
Kennedy Charlotte Fit Chicks 20:04:05
Smith Jason Simmons & Co Simmons Slickers 20:06:00
Wood Simon Standard Life Investment Slimers 20:06:05
Williams Matthew Standard Life Investment Slimers 20:06:05
Heise Lucy Project Partners Ltd Project Partners 20:07:02
Parker Barnaby Project Partners Ltd Project Partners 20:07:04
Sands Allen Avast Behind 20:09:04
Smith John Scotsman Publications MIB 2002 20:09:04
Jones David Scotsman Publications Inky Footprints 20:09:04
Tait Douglas Business A.M. Business A.M. 1 20:10:04
May Darren Cazenove Cazenove 2 20:10:05
O'mahony Eugene Cazenove Cazenove 2 20:11:00
Marien Margaret Cazenove Cazenove 2 20:11:00
Bateman Craig Cazenove Cazenove 2 20:11:00
Lamb Jay Royal Bank Of Scotland Ardlui Or Bust 2 20:11:03
Holmden Charles Financial Times Not Fit. No Comment 20:14:00
Crofts Cliff Financial Times Not Fit. No Comment 20:17:00
Lord Patrick Financial Times Not Fit. No Comment 20:17:00
Caveney Craig Andersens Symphomaniacs 20:20:02
Savage Ed Andersens Symphomaniacs 20:20:02
Price Martin Andersens Symphomaniacs 20:20:02
Mowat Adrian Martin Currie Martin Currie 5 20:20:03
Porteous Alex Martin Currie Martin Currie 2 20:20:03
Cobham Adam Deloitte & Touche Draggin Our Touche 20:20:03
Niulala Debbie Deloitte & Touche Draggin Our Touche 20:20:04
Dodds Glynn Royal Bank Of Scotland Jockular 20:21:01
Macauley Ben Royal Bank Of Scotland Jockular 20:21:01
Hunter Scott Scottish Equitable Golden Boys 20:22:01
Maule Mike Scottish Equitable Golden Boys 20:22:01
Bell Keith Scottish Equitable Golden Boys 20:22:01
Bartsch Holger Business A.M. Business A.M. Continentals 20:22:01
Brunet Maurice Scottish Equitable Golden Boys 20:22:01
Coutts Phil Business A.M. Business A.M. 1 20:22:01
Mccall John Orange Orange 2 20:22:04
Docherty Richard Orange Orange 3 20:22:04
Nelson David Deloitte And Touche Touche Tone 20:22:05
Inglis Sue Intlli Corporate Finance Intellitubbies 20:23:04
Rae Caroline Intlli Corporate Finance Intellitubbies 20:23:04
Rees Philip Project Partners Ltd Project Partners 20:23:05
Crosthwaite Mick Squids 20:24:01
Davies Ed Squids 20:24:01
Crosthwaite Lucy Squids 20:24:01
Hardie Allan Royal Bank Of Scotland Duncans Doh-Nuts 20:24:01
Rainforth Graham Royal Bank Of Scotland Duncans Doh-Nuts 20:24:01
Anderson Nigel Edinburgh Fund Managers Rock Solid 1 20:24:01
Tabberer Ian Edinburgh Fund Managers Rock Solid 2 20:24:01
Mcmenigall Andre Edinburgh Fund Managers Rock Solid 2 20:24:02
Morgan Dean Orange Orange 1 20:26:01
Osborne Ian Not Retired 20:28:01
Jones Andrew Schroder Investment Management Ltd I May Be Some Time 20:28:05
Mccabe Martin Schroder Investment Management Ltd I May Be Some Time 20:28:05
Hill Piers Lords Of The Ring 20:30:05
Nimmo Ian Lords Of The Ring 20:30:05
O'kane Martin Royal Bank Of Scotland SLS Scotland 20:32:05
Maclean Donnie Royal Bank Of Scotland SLS Scotland 20:32:05
Mccusker Frank Royal Bank Of Scotland SLS Scotland 20:32:05
Down Nigel SEI Investments SEI - Silly Exhausted Idiot 20:33:04
Johnson Simon SEI Investments SEI - Silly Exhausted Idiot 20:33:04
Knight Pippa SEI Investments SEI - Silly Exhausted Idiot 20:33:04
Sivewright David Grosvenor Ltd Grosvenor 20:34:01
Somerville Alan Grosvenor Ltd Grosvenor 20:34:01
Black Oliver Strugglers 20:35:03
Webb Samantha Strugglers 20:35:03
Hunt Andy Muzzle Velocity 20:36:02
Lill Andrew Muzzle Velocity 20:36:02
Struthers Douglas Muzzle Velocity 20:36:02
Bentley Thom Muzzle Velocity 20:36:02
Jackson Richard Muzzle Velocity 20:36:02
Conley Ben A Company Of Gentlemen 20:37:05
Struthers Hugo The Next Presidents 20:37:05
Bushby Fiona Raging Bike Raging Bike 20:39:01
England Russell State Street SSGM Operations & Tech 20:41:03
England Paul State Street SSGM Operations & Tech 20:41:03
Costello John VPM VPM 20:41:04
Clark Angus VPM VPM 20:41:04
Dobson Mike The Flasks 20:41:05
Hannah Fulham JVA Grimley The Grimley Reapers 20:41:05
Keyes John JVA Grimley The Grimley Reapers 20:41:05
Savage Sean State Street GSL 1 20:42:03
Horn Melissa Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy MCBD Chicks 20:44:01
Caplan Katharine Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy MCBD Chicks 20:44:01
Tinklin Mark State Street GSL 2 20:45:01
Vos Sam Schroder Investment Management Ltd I May Be Some Time 20:48:00
Maunder Sophie Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy MCBD Chicks 20:49:01
Fox Kate Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy MCBD Chicks 20:49:01
Hart Stephen Maclay Murray & Spens MM&S; 20:49:01
Findlay Stuart Scottish Transport Regiment B 20:49:02
Mchardy Miranda Pink Tartan 20:51:04
Pelham Burn Lucy Pink Tartan 20:51:04

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